I am
Persistent—v. Continuing firmly in a course of action despite difficulty.
I am dedicated to PRSSA, and regardless of the challenges I may face will persistently fight for the organization and it’s members best interest.
Representative—n. A person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another.
I want to be your voice; represent your opinions and make PRSSA YOURS.
Eager—v. Wanting to do or have something very much.
That says it all. I love this organization and very badly want to be a more involved leader.
Skilled—v. The ability, coming from one's knowledge or practice to do something well.
As a current exec member I have witnessed what it takes to make this PRSSA outstanding, and I have the skill to lead this organization to even greater excellence.
Well, that's the skinny of it...here are a few ideas I have to do make it PRaiseworthy, PRominent and PRofessional.
I want members to feel more connected to the e-board, the organization and each other. With over 300 members in UGA's chapter (largest in the world!), however it is sometimes hard to get plugged in. That is why I would like to designate each member to an e-board leader. This way everyone has a familiar name and face to connect with, ask questions to and receive updates from. This can be done through Facebook groups, smaller email list-servs and group get-togethers in order to create a more manageable, more personal experience of PRSSA.
I would also like to have a running calendar that is visible and accessible to all members. Our PRSSA bulletin board is in a prime location right outside the Drewry room, and we should better utilize it by keeping a running calendar of local and national PRSSA, PRSA and general PR events students can attend. Creative Consultants events, as well as other UGA activites could be posted as well. A great one-stop resource for everything you need to know PR.
Next, I think PRSSA can expand beyond Wednesday night speakers. I have seen through other chapters how successful mini seminars on topics like social media usage can be. While many of us know how to manage our own Facebook or Twitter accounts, using them for clients may be more of a challenge. Monthly luncheons where professionals are brought in to discuss and expand on tools we learn in the classroom could enhance the benefits PRSSA offers.
Lastly, I want to make meetings consistent and convenient. I plan to work with the other e-board members to keep meetings time efficient and interesting. Alternating between highlighting CC teams, intern spotlights and committee on goings allows variations in the meetings and cuts back on lengthy announcements each week. Also providing online notes after each meeting gives members who couldn't attend the chance to catch up on what they missed.
Being on e-board this past year has provided me with valuable insight to what works and what can be improved upon. I am approachable, open-minded and am always seeking advise to better myself and the projects I work on. If elected PRSSA president, I want to work with every member to make the organization most beneficial to your needs as PR and communication students.
Please let me know if you have any question, comments or suggestions!!