Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Ode to Walgreens

Walgreen's, oh, Walgreen's...

But seriously, where else can you go at 11 p.m. and create a hard cover photo book (with backgrounds and text) and have it ready in and hour? Not impressed? Well then, where else can you go, and while you wait for your photo book to print, get a Flu shot at 12:24 a.m.?

That's right! Walgreen's has 24/7 photo services and pharmacy! Impressive in my books. A bonus to their bizarre late-night offerings is the exceptional service. I was nervous and skeptical that they would not be able to accommodate my urgent need of this photo book. I could tell that English was not the first language of the woman assisting me, but after only minutes of helping me—actual help, too—I realized that while her grammar was not perfect, she effectively communicated everything perfectly. Better than most, in fact.

Next, while I could have been slightly creeped out by the "after-hours" pharmacist, he was pleasantly professional and reassuring. No one enjoys shots, but he made the process as pain free—physically and emotionally—as possible.

Who knew Walgreen's was so popular after midnight, though! The pharmacist had two drive-through customers and another walk-in while I filled out paperwork and got my shot. The photo station had multiple people come through picking up and dropping off pictures, too!

My whole experience, which included grocery shopping and picking out a new nail polish color, led me to the conclusion that I stereotype too quickly. Walgreen's and the employees I encountered there were much easier and happier than many I have dealt with these past weeks at UGA's student services. The humility, helpfulness and overall happiness was a breath of fresh air, and I cannot for another excuse to spend two and a half hours wondering around Walgreen's!

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