Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Internships on my mind!

With the semester at its half-way mark, and summer quickly approaching, PR students everywhere are becoming consumed with finding the perfect summer internship. There are so many elements that go into this process, including perfecting your resume, personalizing a cover letter and preparing for interviews!

Because this ordeal is no easy feat, I decided to dedicate the entire issue of this month's PRSSA newsletter to internships! The articles submitted turned out wonderful, and contain useful information that should be read by all.

There are articles on the applying process, how to be a superstar intern and even a couple  on internship alternatives!

That being said, I leave you all to read the issue for yourself, and gain some insight on how to score the perfect internship and make the most of your summer!

You can find the PRecedent March 2011 issue 9 on my personal site or on PRSSA's PRecedent page.